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How to Apply for Israeli Citizenship – Law of Return

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

Aliyah through the Law of Return

The simplest and easiest way to apply for Israeli Citizenship is by virtue of the Law of Return. This law, which was passed in 1950, just two years after the state of Israel became independent, reflects in the most natural and tangible way the state of Israel as a home for the Jewish people.

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Today Israeli basic laws define the state as a Jewish Democracy. Yet Supreme Court rulings have upheld time and again the Law of Return as the “key” for any Jew who wants to make Aliyah to obtain Israeli citizenship. The Law of Return, which was amended in 1970, also gives every child and grandchild of a Jew a possibility to immigrate to Israel, and to become a citizen of the country. The law also allows every Jew, child and grandchild of a Jew to immigrate to Israel with their family, which includes his spouse and children.

What is Aliyah? Linguistic, legal and personal definition

The Hebrew word “aliyah” literally means ascent, but for generations referred “emigration to Israel”. The Land of Israel has always been a world center for Jews; many generations of Jews from all over the world dreamt of immigrating to Israel, and many have already completed the process.

In 1948 the State of Israel officially opened its doors to Jews from all over the world. In 1950 Israel enacted the Law of Return. The Law of Return encourages Jews from all over the world to immigrate to Israel and receive Israeli citizenship.

For some, Aliyah is a religious imperative; for others, it is an act to feel belonging and enhancing self-identity. For some, it is an expression of practical Zionism and settlement in the Land of Israel; in others, a desire to contribute, grow and develop in Israel. Many choose to come to Israel with their family in order to raise the next generation in the Holy Land, land of the patriarchs.

Aliyah and Israeli citizenship on the basis of conversion to Judaism

It’s important to state that the Law of Return also allows Aliyah to Israel to a person who was not born Jewish, but has legally converted to Judaism, at a recognized religious Jewish institution. You can read more about this issue in this article on our website.

Israeli citizenship according to the law of return

Are you asking yourself how to apply for Israeli citizenship under Law of Return? Practically, the process consists of several steps; the first is the decision to seriously examine your immigration options in order to determine if you are eligible for Aliyah according to the law of return.

The second step would be to decide whether you want to enter Israel as a tourist, with a B-2 tourist visa and apply for Aliyah while in Israel, or else to start the process in advance, before coming to Israel. Read more about changing legal status in Israel from a B-2 tourist visa to new immigrant according to the law of return, in this article, on our website.

No matter if you do the process in advance, or after arriving in Israel, the procedure includes completing the immigration application, collecting and submitting the required documents, interviewing the Israeli immigration clerks at the Ministry of Internal affairs (Misrad Hapnim) or the Jewish Agency (representative) and waiting for approval of the Aliyah application.

What if I run into trouble in my Aliyah application?

Possible problems with the Aliyah process may be; lack of sufficient documents; a criminal background; issues of mental health illness; which are considered a danger to the public by Israeli immigration officials; questions regarding Jewish identity; or issues regarding conversion to a different religion.

Our law firm has successfully assisted Aliyah applicant with various problems receive Israeli citizenship.

Approval of Aliyah application – Israeli citizenship

After the Aliyah to Israel application is approved you will receive an Israeli ID (Teudat Zehut) Israeli Passport and Oleh certificate. Read more about an Israeli passport for new immigrants to Israel, who received Israeli citizenship according to the law of return, in this article on our website.

Our law office- Aliyah to Israel lawyers

It is highly recommend going through the process with the legal assistance of a law firm specializing in the field of Israeli immigration. For professional service, guidance and consultation of an office specializing in immigration and Aliyah to Israel, contact our office. Our team is at your service. Click here to review our services, or contact us

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