Immigration to the UK

List of articles regarding immigration to the UK

There are a number of visa types that enable immigration to the United Kingdom. They differ in terms of their purpose; but also in terms of time the visa holder may spend in the UK, and renewal options before obtaining permanent residency or citizenship. Finally, different visas may allow or forbid the holder to bring their immediate family (spouse and children) to the UK. Finally, visa types impact the applicant’s (and their family’s) ability to work, study and access public health services.

The conditions for obtaining various visa types vary, from very difficult to fairly lenient. The common denominator for all visa procedures is the infamous pedantry of the British Interior Ministry with relation to the required documents and proof of meeting visa requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to use the assistance of an expert in the field; to avoid the rejection of the application because of a technical discrepancy or a misunderstanding of the requirements.

Our law office has years of experience in the field of UK immigration and with the British Interior Ministry’s regulations. In this article Attorney Joshua Pex will explain the basics about different types of UK immigration visas.

What do the UK immigration visas have in common?

Immigration Visas to UKWhile the United Kingdom remains part of the European Union (31.12.2020), EU citizens do not require an immigration visa to visit, work or live in the UK.

Visa applications to the UK must be submitted no more than 3 months before the anticipated entry date. On the UK Government’s Website, the application processing time ranges from a number of weeks to a few months, depending on the visa type and on the workload of the immigration clerks. The applicant must pay the healthcare surcharge for the visa holder and accompanying family members.

Most of types of UK immigration visas do not enable the visa holder and their family members to enjoy the benefit of ‘public funds’ –  unemployment benefits, child benefits, pensioner’s stipends’ etc. That said, upon completion of an immigration program; visa renewal, permanent residence in England and finally receiving citizenship (for the visa types that enable this), the holder of the visa becomes a British citizen, including the right to receive government support should the need arise. Most of the immigration visas require that the visa holder proves that they speak English.

An applicant seeking to obtain citizenship must establish themselves in the UK, live there permanently (at least 180 days per year) and not spend extended periods of time abroad until obtaining citizenship. The process has many similarities to the process of establishing one’s ‘center of life’ in Israel.

Types of UK visas:

Spouse Visa to the UK

UK Student Visa
Work Visa
UK Investor Visa
UK Immigration visa for the holder of a European passport
Visa for representative of an Israeli Company in the UK / Opening a branch in the UK for an Israeli Company
Unique Talent Visa
Religious Worker Visa

Contact our Law Firm in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem for information and advice on types of visas to the UK. The firm has expertise in the field of UK immigration and naturalization in the UK.

UK Immigration

ייעוץ משפטי 03-3724722, 055-9781688 

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