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Aliyah to Israel for a Person Who Is a Tourist in Israel

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

Making Aliyah to Israel for a Person Who Entered Israel as a Tourist

Aliyah to Israel

Aliyah to Israel according to the 1950 Law of Return may be described as the highway to immigration to Israel. Those who are eligible for making aliyah to Israel — Jews, children of Jews or grandchildren of Jews — may be able to move to Israel and receive Israeli citizenship in a relatively swift and efficient process.

Advocate Joshua Pex describes the procedure for making aliyah to Israel in which the tourist changes their status from that of a tourist (B/2 visa to Israel) to that of a new immigrant (oleh). This status change is requested based on the individual’s eligibility as stated in the Law of Return.

In order to facilitate and expedite this process, we recommend using the services of our expert legal team and immigration lawyers from our law office. Among the members of our team you will find an aliyah to Israel lawyer with expertise in this status-changing procedure.

A Procedure for Making Aliyah to Israel

This procedure regards changing the status from tourist to new immigrant (oleh) for individuals eligible according to the Law of Return, in accordance with the Israeli Ministry of Interior’s (Misrad HaPanim) aliyah to Israel procedure.

For Whom is the Aliyah to Israel Procedure?

This procedure is for individuals eligible under the Law of Return who are residing in Israel as tourists, but desire to make aliyah and change their status to that of an oleh, a new immigrant to Israel.

The Service

The foreign citizen tourist presents his/her request in the Ministry of Interior’s Population Authority regional bureau closest to their place of residence. The request is processed by the Population Authority and its reply is handed down at the same office where the request to make aliyah to Israel is submitted.

Before Submitting a Request for Aliyah to Israel

Before submitting the request, one must ensure that:

1) The tourist residing in Israel holds a valid B/2 tourist visa to stay in Israel.

2) The tourist is able to be present at the time the request for making aliyah to Israel is submitted. Personal presence is mandatory.

3) The tourist holds a valid foreign passport, valid for at least one year from the date the request is initially presented.

4) All the proper paperwork has been filled and submitted and all the appropriate photos have been submitted.

5) The appropriate original, authenticated and translated documentation has been prepared: 1) proof of being Jewish, or of being eligible under the Law of Return, 2) a birth certificate, 3) a public certificate indicating a name change (if such a name change has occurred), 4) a public certificate originating in the tourist’s country of origin, which indicates their current and previous personal status, 5) an up-to-date certificate confirming the lack of a criminal record.

Fees – Procedure for Making Aliyah to Israel

The service for the procedure to make aliyah to Israel is free of charge.

How to Submit the Request for Aliyah

The tourist is asked to present and sign the request to make aliyah to Israel at the Israeli Ministry of Interior Population Authority’s (Misrad HaPanim) bureau closest to their current place of residence in Israel.

How the Request for Aliyah to Israel is Serviced

1) A Population Authority employee will check that all the required documentation has been submitted, and if needed, will ask for the missing documents to be presented.

2) A Population Authority employee will determine the authenticity of all the documentation presented regarding the aliyah to Israel request.

3) If the tourist presents a danger to the public at large or has a criminal record, the request shall be presented for the consideration of the Ministry of Interior head office in Jerusalem.

4) If the request has been denied, the tourist shall be asked to return to the Population Authority’s bureau where they shall receive a full written explanation, and their passport will be labeled “Denied for Oleh Status.”

5) If the request has been approved, the tourist will be granted Israeli citizenship. He/she shall be asked to return to the Population Authority’s bureau, where he/she shall be asked to fill and sign different forms, be issued an Israeli identity card, and an oleh-status sticker shall be affixed to their foreign passport. Within a short time the new immigrant to Israel will receive an Israeli passport.

If you need an expert in matters of immigration to Israel or aliyah to Israel, you’ve reached the right place. Our law office in Israel – is at your service. We specialize in the areas of immigration to Israel and aliyah, and our team has an immigration to Israel lawyer.

Please contact us for legal advice regarding aliyah or immigration to Israel.

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