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Aliyah – Emigration to Israel

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

This article, “Aliyah – Emigration to Israel,” will provide you with information on who is eligible, how to emigrate, documents you need for aliyah, problems you might encounter, and more.

Eligibility for Aliyah – Emigration to Israel

According to Israel’s 1950 Law of Return, all Jews, children, and grandchildren of Jews and their spouses are eligible for emigration to Israel. The Law of Return also allows for the emigration of minor children of grandchildren of Jews along with the family.

Those who have converted to Judaism are also eligible for emigration, although sometimes there are issues around government recognition of the conversion. You can read more about this in our article on emigration after conversion to Judaism

Where to Apply

One can apply for emigration to Israel either in one’s country of origin or while in Israel. While in your home country, you can apply for aliyah – emigration to Israel – through the Israeli consulate or Jewish Agency. 

Additionally, one may come to Israel on a B/2 tourist visa, and while in Israel, begin the emigration process. In order to expedite this process, it is advisable to use the services of a law firm specializing in emigration. We discuss more on the process of emigration as a tourist in our article on aliyah while a tourist in Israel

Documents Needed

There are two types of required documents for emigration to Israel: religious documents and civil documents. Religious documents must prove one’s Jewish religious or ancestral affiliation. This can be a Jewish marriage certificate, bar mitzvah certificate, documents indicating one’s parents or grandparents were buried in a Jewish cemetery, membership in a synagogue, or any other documents demonstrating similar Jewish affiliation. Additionally, the Israeli Ministry of Interior will request a letter from a rabbi endorsing your emigration request. 

Civil documents include a passport and birth certificate demonstrating proof of identity and connection to Jewish parents or grandparents. Additionally, Israel requires a “no criminal record certificate” from local state or country authorities indicating that the applicant does not have a criminal background. 

Problems One Might Encounter

If you have a criminal background, mental health issues that might complicate the emigration process, or wonder if Israel will recognize your Jewishness, please see our articles on the topics. 

Contact Us

If you seek legal assistance with aliyah – emigration to Israel – please contact us. Advocate Joshua Pex from our law offices specializes in emigration to Israel, and he would be happy to help with all your legal needs.

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