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Penalty for Drunk Driving in Israel

Moti Orange
Moti Orange

This article will address the penalty for drunk driving in Israel. 

In Israel, the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety oversees laws and regulations regarding transportation and traffic laws. 

Defining Drunk Driving

It is always risky to drive after drinking alcohol because you do not know the exact amount you have in your system. In Israel, the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Health determine the alcohol concentration that meets the threshold of “drunk.” The way this is determined is through a breath, blood, or urine test to examine the concentration of alcohol in one’s system in the past three hours.  

Penalty for Drunk Driving in Israel

There are specific numbers indicated for new drivers, drivers under the age of 24, and drivers of commercial or public vehicles. In the event one’s body has a minimum alcohol content of 50 micrograms per liter (as determined by a breathalyzer test) or 10 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood (as determined by a blood test), the person is considered to be drunk.

The Penalty for Drunk Driving in Israel

Drunk driving is one of the most severe traffic offenses. Thus, the penalty is also harsh. This includes, among other things, suspending one’s driver’s license for two years, and if convicted previously in the past year, then the suspension will be for four years.  

While a police officer cannot force someone to take a test for the alcohol content in their body, refusal to do so is looked on harshly by the courts. Refusing to be tested is considered a traffic offense and can result in a 10,000 NIS fine or imprisonment for one year. The only situation where one might wish to refuse a test is if one has an underlying physical or medical condition that would be adversely affected by taking the test, and in this case, it can be helpful to call a lawyer. 

How a Lawyer Can Help

A lawyer can help shorten the duration of the penalty an offending driver faces. A lawyer can also help you examine whether the police officers acted according to protocol when you were pulled over. For more information about this — and what to document to show a lawyer — see our article What to Do if Caught Drunk Driving in Israel.

Other Articles of Interest

We provide many articles on our website related to drunk driving and traffic violations. These include how to choose a drunk driving lawyer, driving without a valid license, driving while high on drugs, what to do if you’re injured in a car accident, what to do if you’re in a car accident, and more. 

Contact Us

Our law office has numerous legal specializations. Advocate Moti Orange specializes in Israeli traffic law. Please reach out to him for assistance regarding any penalty for drunk driving in Israel.

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