What is the Role of a Traffic Lawyer?

Most drivers will encounter law enforcement at some point in their lives, whether due to a traffic report they received, traffic offenses they committed, or an accident in which they were involved. Many situations may even require the intervention of a traffic lawyer, especially when it involves driving restrictions or a substantial financial report. This…

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Penalty for Drunk Driving in Israel

This article will address the penalty for drunk driving in Israel.  In Israel, the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety oversees laws and regulations regarding transportation and traffic laws.  Defining Drunk Driving It is always risky to drive after drinking alcohol because you do not know the exact amount you have in your system. In…

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Medical expert opinion following a car accident

In claims involving physical injuries resulting from a car accident in Israel, a medical opinion is usually submitted by an expert appointed by the court. The opinion will be used by the court to resolve the complex legal questions that arise in these lawsuits, such as the question of causation between the accident and the…

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What is (or is not) considered a car accident?

How do you know whether an accident is considered a car accident according to Israeli law? This is a complicated question. The law does not always provide an unequivocal answer to whether a particular case is considered a traffic accident that constitutes grounds for compensation according to the Road Accident Victim Compensation Law. There are…

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Medical Care After a Road Accident

It’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible following a road accident – not just to assess the severity of the damage and treat any injury or harm caused to the victims of the accident but also to ensure the documentation of evidence indicating the link between the accident and the damage caused.…

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What is a Road Accident? (Legal Information)

What is a Road Accident? The legal definition of the term “road \ vehicle \ car accident” is broader than the standard definition, of an injury caused following use of a motor vehicle (such as a car, motorcycle, truck, tractor, etc.). It might apply in cases where the vehicle was standing still, cases where an…

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How long does a car accident lawsuit take in Israel?

Road accidents are a routine occurrence in Israel, and drivers tend to settle the matter of compensation between them, without getting the insurance company or the authorities involved. But what happens when this issue isn’t settled by agreement between the parties? What do you do when the identity of the additional vehicle involved in the…

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Tips for New Drivers

New drivers? Stop! There are a few things you must know! Are you a new driver? Mazel Tov! Congratulations on getting your driver’s license. You passed the theoretical test, the practical exam and now you can drive in Israel. In addition to all the excitement and congratulations, it is very important that you read a…

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The Medical Institute for Road Safety

We all want to feel safe on the road and while driving. Besides adequate infrastructure and the enforcement of traffic laws, there is another and equally important aspect that ensures that Israel’s roads do not become a killing field: driving competency. The Medical Institute for Road Safety (known by its Hebrew acronym MARBAD) conducts medical…

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