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Traffic report – how to avoid traffic violation points?

Moti Orange
Moti Orange

Did you receive a traffic ticket in Israel? In many cases, along with the financial fine, traffic violation points will also accrue to your account. This registration of these “points” is very meaningful; therefore, before deciding to pay the traffic ticket you should contact a traffic lawyer who will examine the possibility of preventing the accumulation of violation points.

What’s a traffic ticket?

Most traffic offenses are reflected in an Israeli traffic ticket. This traffic ticket includes a monetary fine and sometimes also driver violation points. For example, the offense of speeding in its most serious degrees is punishable by a fine of NIS 750.00 and 8 traffic scoring points or NIS 1,500.00 and 10 traffic scoring points, depending on the violation degree of the speed limit. Another example is the use of a mobile phone while driving; under such a traffic violation, the driver will receive a fine of NIS 1,000.00 and will be charged 8 traffic scoring points.

Many drivers are not aware of the true meaning of the traffic scoring points, and therefore, naturally, they choose to pay the fine and do not seek legal advice from a traffic expert lawyer. Apart from the fact that it is sometimes possible to cancel the fine and save the driver this cost, there are situations in which the traffic scoring points can be avoided. Why is it important? We will explain below.traffic violation points

What is the meaning of driver violation points?

Violation points are a means to deter drivers from committing traffic violations. Therefore, for a significant part of the traffic offenses, along with the financial fine, a registration of violation points was also attached according to the type and severity of the traffic offense, as we demonstrated above. These points have a great meaning for the driver and we will explain. A driver who has accumulated 12 traffic violation points will be required to participate in a basic driving course in correct driving, and if he has accumulated 24 points, he will be invited to participate in an advanced driving course. If the driver does not comply with this requirement, the licensing office will suspend his driver’s license.

An accumulation of 36 traffic points will already lead to the revocation of the driver’s license for a period of 3 months and an accumulation of 72 traffic points and a revocation of his driver’s license for a period of 9 months. We will also emphasize that the revocation of the aforementioned driver’s license will oblige the driver to pass driving competency tests at the Medical Institute for Road Safety, driving theory, and driving test, and only thereafter, the driver will be able to receive his driver’s license back. In light of all of the above, violation points should be treated seriously, and the driver must do everything possible to prevent their accumulation.

How to avoid the accumulation of traffic-scoring points?

Here we see the importance of contacting a traffic attorney, who will often be able to prevent the accumulation of traffic scoring points thanks to his professional knowledge and his experience. How can this be accomplished? For example, when a driver receives a manual traffic report, the police officer who issued the traffic report is obliged to write down various details in it, including the number, type, and color of the vehicle. The traffic lawyer will try to find deficiencies in this aspect and thus establish an argument for a mistaken identification.

The police officer is also obliged to write down in the traffic report where he was standing when he saw the traffic offense being committed and specify the time when he stopped the driver. If he did not do so, or if the information he provided does not fit with established circumstances, this is also an opening to doubt whether a traffic offense was committed, and if so, whether it was committed by the driver. Another example, if it relates to a traffic offense of excessive speed enforced by a laser speeding detection device, the lawyer will examine whether the use of the laser device was properly enforced. So, for example, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, rainy, overcast, or foggy weather conditions can disrupt the result obtained with this laser device. The data obtained and many other data can cast reproaches on the prosecution’s file, and hence, there is an opening to convince the prosecution to settle for paying the fine and avoid registering traffic scoring points to the driver.

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