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Dutch citizenship: Are you too eligible for a European passport?

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

The expansion of the European Union now allows many Israelis to obtain a European passport. A Dutch passport can offer you opportunities for career advancement, studies, business, and real estate investments in one of the world’s most liberal countries, as well as in the rest of Europe. If you are interested in obtaining a Dutch passport, this article is for you!

If you have only an Israeli passport, you must have noticed that the range of travel destinations open to you is limited. Many Israelis have come to the conclusion that another passport is the solution, and not only for purposes of tourism.

A European passport, in addition to an Israeli one, opens up doors to residential and career opportunities in Europe for Israeli citizens. These are unique employment possibilities and business prospects that cannot always be found in Israel. Of course the unstable security conditions, the social rifts, the polarized political climate, and the economic situation in the country all contribute to Israelis’ desire for a European passport, one that can promise refuge in a time of need.

A Dutch passport specifically, and a European one in general, can also assist you with travel and tourism. It will allow you to travel with ease between the 27 countries which belong to the European Union, for unlimited amounts of time. This is in addition to 153 other countries in the world which can be accessed with a Dutch passport, without requiring a travel visa.Obtaining a Dutch passport

Residential, Career and Business Opportunities

Of course if your dream to live and work in a serene European country, obtaining a European passport is an important first step to achieving this goal. Undoubtedly, European employers would prefer taking on someone with a European passport, instead of a foreign worker who requires a work visa.

The job market in Europe is characterized by friendly laws protecting worker’s rights, including a work-load which does not surpass the weekly 40-hour limit and paid annual vacation of four weeks.

Another way to take advantage of the perks of a European passport is to start a business and enjoy the opportunities and benefits a specific country offers in your field. With a Dutch passport you will be able to make use of these benefits in any country in the European Union, even if you decide to maintain residence in Israel.

Additionally, though the Israeli medical system is considered one of the most advanced in the world, there may come a time when you will need treatment abroad. A European passport expands the possibilities of receiving treatments not available in Israel. Bearers of European citizenship have access to care in any country in the European Union, even if they are not residents there.

Fantasies of purchasing a vacation home or investing in real estate in another country may also come true by obtaining a Dutch passport, as European citizens can buy properties in the EU countries with no special permit required.

Holland – The World’s Most Liberal Country

If you are lucky and have family roots in the Netherlands, or you intend to invest capital in the country, the path to attaining a Dutch passport is laid out for you. Thus you can become a citizen of one of the longest-standing countries in the EU, and one of the most liberal and advanced countries in the world, not to mention the country with the one and only city of Amsterdam.

Bearers of Dutch citizenship, even those who do not reside in the country, are eligible for free movement between European countries, permission to work, access to public health services, and special academic scholarships, as well as real estate opportunities and the right to manage businesses in both the EU countries and the United States.

Those who already have a Dutch passport can renew it via the Dutch embassy in Israel, which is located on Abba Hillel street in Ramat Gan, on condition that an appointment is made ahead of time. As of May 2021, the embassy is open to the public as it was prior to Covid-19.

Obtaining a Dutch passport

Forms and Documents

When applying for a Dutch passport, all paperwork must be translated with a notarized translation and confirmed with an apostille stamp. These documents include: birth certificate, marriage license, valid Israeli passport or national ID, and more.

On the official website of the Dutch Embassy you will find precise and personalized information on which documents you will need in order to renew or obtain a Dutch passport.

To renew a Dutch passport, adult Israeli citizens are required to fill out a renewal request online. In addition, they must present the current Dutch passport, as well as other documents which prove Dutch citizenship.

The applicant for renewal is required to prove legal residency in Israel (for Israeli citizens, by showing a valid Israeli passport) and other passports, if they exist. Copies of these passports and all other documents must be provided, in addition to a passport picture which adheres to the standards set by the Dutch embassy.

Israeli minors who are renewing their passport for the first time are required to prove their parents’ Dutch citizenship, including a copy of their Dutch passports and copies of the birth certificate of the applicant, showing the parents’ names. For a minor, permission from the parents or legal guardian is also required in order to renew the passport.

If your marital status changed since taking out the Dutch passport or since its last renewal, you must attach documents proving the change. In the case of a marriage, the spouse may be registered in the passport at this stage.

Extended Residency Permit

Another option for obtaining permission for a prolonged stay in the Netherlands is the temporary residence visa, called MVV. If you need to reside in Holland for longer than 90 days for the purpose of studies, work, care of a family member, etc., this is the visa you need.

Those exempt from the need for an MVV are, of course, citizens of the European Union, or those who hold a Dutch residency visa. This is also true for citizens of the European Union who wish to reside in the Netherlands for the purpose of work or entrepreneurship.

In order to attain the MVV visa, you must provide an explanation of the purpose of your stay, as well as the details of a Dutch citizen who can act as your sponsor. This person will be the one to submit your visa application to the Dutch emigration services. An approved application must be picked up at the Dutch embassy in the country where you live, within three months of its issuance.

Emigration Lawyer: Your Doorway to a Dutch Passport

The procedure of proving eligibility for a Dutch passport or an extended visa may be a long and complicated process, especially in cases where missing documents must be procured, notarized translation to the Dutch language is needed, and authorities beyond the Dutch embassy must be dealt with. To shorten the process and bring it to a fruitful conclusion, it is advisable to enlist the help of a lawyer specializing in emigration. You are invited to contact us with any inquiry. Good luck.

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