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Israelis and Portuguese Citizenship – Sephardic Law

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

We have many clients coming to us to inquire about Israelis and Portuguese citizenship.  Israelis with Sephardic ancestry are eligible for Portuguese citizenship, and thousands of individuals have already successfully applied for and received this citizenship over the past few years. As the linked article indicates, Portugal and Spain have issued 10,000 passports to applicants with Sephardic descent since 2015.  While Spain is limiting the time available for this process, Portugal is allowing this indefinitely as of 2019.

Israelis and Portuguese Citizenship

It is important to note that one does not need to be Jewish to be eligible for this as you only need to have Sephardic Jewish ancestors.

Israelis and Portuguese Citizenship – The Process

Israelis comprise one of the largest groups applying for citizenship due to Sephardic ancestry.  There is a two-stage process through which Israelis of Sephardic ancestry can obtain Portuguese citizenship.  

Stage One

First, you need to obtain a recommendation letter from the Portuguese Jewish community proving your Sephardic connection.  See our article with more information on proving Sephardic Jewish heritage. Our law office has a good working relationship with the Jewish community in Portugal and can assist with this if needed.

Stage Two

The second stage entails going through the bureaucratic procedure of submitting the recommendation letter and required documents to the Portuguese authorities.  Our law office can also assist in this second stage.

This Series of Articles

For more information on Portuguese citizenship, see our articles addressing applicants with a criminal record, applicants with multiple names, how long the process takes, some of the costs involved, citizenship for one’s spouse and children, among other topics. 

Contact Us

We are an Israeli law firm specializing in immigration law. We would be happy to help you address all your needs regarding Portuguese citizenship.  Contact us to begin the application process.

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