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Driving High on Drugs in Israel

Moti Orange
Moti Orange

The following article explains the consequences of being caught while driving high on drugs in Israel. The article also gives you some practical legal advice on what you should do if you find yourself in this situation.

The Law against Driving while High

In Israel, driving while experiencing the effects of any illicit drug (including recreational marijuana) is included in the category of “driving under the influence” (DUI), which is one of the most serious driving violations in Israel. In other words, it is regarded similarly to driving while drunk, yet dealt with even more severely because of the illegal nature of the drug itself. Moreover, because cannabinoids and trace chemicals of other drugs tend to linger in a person’s body much longer than alcohol, it is possible to convict someone of driving under the influence even if it has been days since that person has actually consumed the drug.Driving High on Drugs in Israel

The Penalty for Driving while High

If you are caught driving under the influence of any illegal drug, you can expect the police to use their administrative power to suspend your license for 30 days prior to your trial. If you are convicted of the offense in court, you will likely face a two-year suspension of your license. If this is not your first offense, or if you were involved in an accident, you may even face prison time.

What Drug Tests Do the Police Use?

Recently the Israeli police have begun using a saliva drug test called DrugWipe which is designed to detect whether a person has recently used any of the following drug types: cannabis, opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines (including ecstasy), benzodiazepines (such as Xanax), and ketamine. If there is probable cause, the police can also demand that you provide a urine or blood sample for testing.

Caught Driving High on Drugs in Israel – Lawyer’s Advice

If you are pulled over by Israeli police and are suspected of driving while high on illicit drugs, do not refuse their demand to take a sobriety test. Otherwise, your refusal will be used as evidence against you. As in any interaction with the police, try to record them with your smartphone and make sure their body camera is active. If the police officer does not follow proper protocol, this can be used in your favor in court. It is important that you hire a lawyer with experience in traffic law to represent you in court.

Additional Articles of Interest

We have many articles that may be of interest on our website, including what to do if you’re in a car accident, if you refuse a drunk driving test, if you’re in a hit and run, and more. 

Contact Us

Our law offices specialize in traffic law among other legal fields.  If this article, Driving High on Drugs in Israel, leaves you with more questions, feel free to contact us. If you seek legal assistance with this issue, Advocate Moti Orange would be pleased to help you.

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