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B/3 visa for Israel – entry to persons of unclear status

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

A B/3 visa is granted at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior to visitors whose status is unclear. This type of visa is valid for up to one month.

Who is eligible to receive this visa and under what circumstances? Michael Decker, an emigration attorney in our law office, will elaborate in this article.

Who is eligible to receive a B/3 visa upon entry to Israel?

B/3 visaA B/3 temporary residence visa is issued to visitors whose status regarding entry to Israel and residence there is unclear. What does this mean? For example, Israeli citizens or olim (immigrants) from abroad who do not have documents proving their Israeli citizenship and who wish to enter Israel urgently, without waiting for the matter of citizenship to be investigated by the emigration authorities or the Population Registry Authority.

There are cases where an Israeli citizen has traveled abroad or permanently settles outside Israel but he loses his Israeli identification documents and needs to return to Israel urgently. Likewise, the children of an Israeli citizen abroad sometimes require this visa when they enter Israel for the first time as part of a family visit to Israel or as part of a visit to Israel with a Taglit (Birthright) group.

The Entry into Israel Regulations stipulate that under such circumstances the Minister of the Interior and his delegates at the Border Control have the power to issue a B/3 visa which will allow the applicant whose status is doubtful to enter Israel, in order to investigate and arrange a permanent status vis-a-vis the emigration authorities in Israel.

What are the conditions of a B/3 visa?

The visa is valid for up to one month or even less. During the course of this period the holder of the visa must attend the Population Authority office nearest to his place of residence, in order to investigate or arrange his status. The holder of a B/3 visa is likely to receive the status of resident, citizen, or even renounce his citizenship voluntarily, depending on the circumstances.

If the visa holder has not regulated his status during the course of his stay in Israel he will not be able to receive this visa a second time.

Contact a status and emigration to Israel attorney

Our law firm specializes in matters of visas to Israel, immigration, emigration, various visas and obtaining a status in Israel.  Should you wish to obtain an entry visa and status in Israel, including a B/3 visa, immigrate to Israel, obtain Israeli citizenship, bring spouses or family members to Israel, and more, we would be pleased to assist you.

Make an appointment with an attorney for obtaining status in Israel in Tel Aviv or in Jerusalem by telephone or email as set out below.  We would be pleased to offer advice or legal assistance.

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