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Appeal a Speeding Ticket in Israel

Moti Orange
Moti Orange

This article explains how you can appeal a speeding ticket in Israel. The Israeli Ministry of Transport and Road Safety oversees all issues related to traffic violations and transport law.

Getting a Speeding Ticket

In Israel, a police officer may pull you over at the side of the road and personally hand you a speeding citation or you may receive a citation that is sent to your mailing address. If a citation (also known as a ticket) has been sent to you by mail, it is likely an indication that your vehicle has been detected speeding by a stationary traffic camera on the side of the road or at an intersection. If you have not been summoned to court, you can always demand a trial so that you can appeal your ticket.Appeal a Speeding Ticket in Israel

Penalties for Speeding Tickets in Israel

The standard penalties for violating the speed limit in Israel are as follows: If you are caught speeding up to 20 KMpH above the speed limit on a city road or up to 25 KMpH above the limit on a non-city road, the penalty is a 250 NIS fine (and no points against your record). If you are caught speeding up to 30 KMpH above the speed limit on a city road or up to 40 KMpH above the speed limit on a non-city road, the penalty is a 750 NIS fine and 8 points against your record. If you are caught speeding up to 40 KMpH above the speed limit on a city road or up to 50 KMpH above the limit on a non-city road, the penalty is a 1,500 NIS fine and 10 points against your record. If you are caught speeding at even higher speeds, then 10 points will be counted against your record, the officer will suspend your license for 30 days, and you will be summoned to court where, if indicted, you may face even more serious consequences such as a longer suspension of your license.

Appeal a Speeding Ticket in Israel

In order to appeal the ticket, you must demand a court trial instead of paying the fine. It is common for an experienced traffic lawyer to be able to reduce the penalty or even have the case dismissed, especially if it can be demonstrated that the police officers did not follow protocol perfectly or if doubt can be cast on the reliability of the equipment which had been used to measure your vehicle’s speed. If, for example, the police officers pulled you over after detecting your speed using a radar device (known as the BEE III, or “Dvora” in Hebrew), and you can demonstrate that there were other vehicles on the road at the time, then the court would nullify the ticket since that device requires the vehicle to be completely isolated for its results to be reliable (including no cars on the opposite lane). 

Therefore, if you have been accused of speeding, we recommend that you contact an experienced traffic lawyer to represent your case. The traffic lawyer will try to ensure that no points are counted against your record and perhaps even have your citation nullified altogether. See our tips on how to choose the best Israeli traffic lawyer for your needs.

Additional Articles of Interest

We have many more articles on Israeli traffic law on our website. These include, among others, tips on what to do if you’re pulled over for speeding, various types of speed violations, running a red light, getting in a car accident, drunk driving, and more. 

Contact Us

If you seek legal assistance to appeal a speeding ticket in Israel, please contact us. Advocate Moti Orange specializes in Israeli traffic law, and he would be happy to help you. 

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