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Tour Company Visa in Israel

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

This article addresses obtaining a tour company visa in Israel for a foreign expert worker. Specifically, this article goes over some aspects of this B1 expert work visa for a worker who is necessary to help a tour company grow.  We discuss some of the opportunities and challenges here.

Tour Company Visa in Israel

Seeking a Tour Company Visa in Israel

Over the years quite a few tour agencies have approached us seeking to establish a company in Israel to better arrange for trips from their home country (the US, S. Korea, China, and more).  They often want to bring in a foreign expert worker, someone they trust and who is familiar with their clients and how they operate. Generally, this person is not a tour guide, but instead a tour leader or a manager who knows the company’s context well. This tour leader often meets the tour groups in Israel, and together with a local Israeli tour guide, accompanies the group on their trip. This foreign expert worker is important, as they know the language and needs of the company, the market abroad, the culture of the company and their visitors and more, therefore they are best equipped to help the company grow.  

Beyond the general procedure to apply for a B1 visa and expedite the process, which we discuss at length in other articles, there are some aspects of the process that are unique to tour companies.  Aside from the two phases, submitting documents to the Department of Expert Workers then seeking a work visa from the Ministry of Interior, it is important to note that the Ministry of Interior requires that tour companies obtain approval from the Ministry of Tourism.

Recent Changes in the Process

While it has always been challenging to obtain approval from the Ministry of Tourism, it has been possible.  However, it has become increasingly more challenging to obtain this letter of approval. It is essential to work closely with lawyers with a history of working in this process to increase your chances for success.

Other Topics of Interest – Expert work visa to Israel

We have numerous articles on our website addressing all sorts of immigration issues including foreign expert issues and more.  A few of these articles address topics like tips to get your application approved the first time, how to extend a foreign expert worker’s visa beyond the customary five years, exemption from fees for foreign companies, important updates about CPA papers and the B1 visa, and more.

Contact  Us – Israeli immigration law office

If you seek a tour company visa in Israel for a foreign expert worker to work in your tour company, feel free to contact us.  We help numerous clients with their visa needs and with setting up a foreign company, if this is needed.

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