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Registering a Company in Ireland (Legal Information)

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

Registering a company in Ireland has recently become very common. Ireland attracts foreign companies from all over the world, who set up offices in its territory. The reasons for this relate, among other things, to the easy taxation policy, the presence of leading companies in a variety of fields, and the convenient location in an English-speaking country that is a member of the European Union. In this article, a lawyer from our firm specializing in corporate law explains about the convenient and quick process of registering a company in Ireland, international taxation, and more.

Our law firm in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv specializes in corporate law and immigration law. We provide a comprehensive solution for clients from Israel and overseas who are interested in establishing companies and businesses in a variety of destinations around the world. Some of the services offered by our firm are company registration, legal advice for the company being registered and its officers, planning a tax policy in accordance with the laws of the various countries, and more.

Registering a company in Ireland

Ireland as a Hub for International Companies

Ireland in 2021 is a very attractive country for opening businesses in a variety of industries, such as high-tech, pharma, and gaming. Recently, more and more international companies have begun setting up offices and factories in Ireland. The list of companies opening head offices in Ireland includes leading companies such as Intel, Medtronic, and Microsoft.

Why is Registering a Company in Ireland Particularly Lucrative?

A major reason why so many companies are being registered in Ireland is taxation. The corporate tax in Ireland is among the lowest in Europe and the world, and currently stands at only 12.5%. In addition to the convenient corporate tax, Ireland is signatory to over 70 double taxation treaties with many important countries, such as the United States, Switzerland, and Belgium. Israel is also included in the list. All this makes Ireland a very convenient place to set up offices and factories, for businessmen and entrepreneurs from many countries.

But alongside the easy tax policy, there are many other factors that make Ireland an attractive place to register companies. Ireland is located in the territory of the European Union and is an English-speaking country. The existence of so many international companies, together with the excellent location in Western Europe, creates a particularly attractive work environment. This brings more and more companies to move their businesses to Dublin and other cities in Ireland.

What Is the Process for Registering a Company in Ireland?

Unlike many places in the world, the procedure for registering a company in Ireland is very short and takes only a few days.Public companies (whose shares are traded on the local stock market), private limited liability companies, and unlimited companies may be registered in Ireland.

The registration process requires completing an application form in which details must be provided, such as the company name, registration of at least one person as a shareholder and at least one person as a director, the company secretary, and the company’s address in Ireland. It is important to make sure that the company name is not taken. An initial search can be made in the name database of the Companies Registration Office (CRO) in Ireland. However, it is advisable to perform an in-depth search to make sure that the name does not infringe on the trademarks of other companies.

It is highly recommended to seek the assistance of a lawyer specializing in corporate law and international taxation throughout the process of registering your company in Ireland, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the law with regard to tax debts, proper corporate governance, etc. Among our firm’s services, we assist Israeli business owners and companies with the registration process in Ireland, alongside ongoing general consulting services.

Contact a Lawyer Who Specializes in Corporate Law and Company Registration in Ireland

This article briefly explained the process of registering a company in Ireland. The lawyers at our firm specialize in commercial law and immigration law, and will be happy to be at your service with any specific questions and concerns. You can contact a lawyer from our firm using the phone numbers or email address listed below.

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