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Here’s What You Need to Know About the Most Powerful Passport in Europe

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

European passports are one of the most coveted assets for people willing to live in or frequently travel to the European Union. Most EU passports are considered to be very powerful and easily acknowledged the world over. But there are some clear winners and losers among the European countries too. So, which are the most powerful passports in Europe? How many passports can you have europe? And how does having a powerful European passport helps you? Let’s find out.

The most powerful passports in Europe

Most Powerful Passport in Europe

Europe has always been at the top of the list of most valued passports in the world. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic bringing global travel to a standstill for some time and changing the rules of international travel as well, Europe continues to bag the top spots in the list.

Countries like Ireland, Switzerland, Germany and France can boast of having the most powerful passports in the European Union for the past many years. But in recent years, countries like Austria, Portugal, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, Greece, and the Netherlands are catching up. Here are some of the most powerful passports in Europe:

The French passport: French passport is considered one of the most powerful passports in Europe and in the world. French citizenship provides the right for individuals to live, move freely, work and study across EU member states. Another advantage is that you can also leverage your French citizenship if you wish to study in Canada. Universities in Quebec prioritise French citizens for admission and subsidise tuition fees. A French passport also enables a visa-free entry to the United States.

The Lithuanian passport: As Lithuania is a member country of the European Union, obtaining a Lithuanian passport can equate to having the most powerful passport in Europe. For many Jews in Israel, obtaining Lithuanian citizenship is easy if they are descendants of citizens of Lithuania before 1940. As many Jews resided in Lithuania prior to World War II, their descendants in the US, Israel and across the world are eligible for a Lithuanian passport.

The Polish passport: If you are an Israeli or an American citizen with Polish roots, you can be the owner of one of the most powerful passports in Europe. Poland joined the EU officially in 2004, and citizenship in this country gives you the rights to vote, live, study and work across 27 member states of the EU.

The Austrian passport: If you are looking to obtain an Austrian passport and are a descendant of a female Holocaust survivor, the good news is that Austria amended its citizenship Act in 2019. Through this, the Austrian passport for descendants becomes more accessible. Another pathway to an Austrian passport is through marrying an Austrian citizen. To be eligible for this route, you need to have been married to the Austrian citizen for five years at a minimum and have a Settlement Permit for a period of six years.

The Dutch passport: If you are a citizen of Switzerland or any other EU/EEA, you can live, work and move freely in the Netherlands and need not report to IND ( Immigration and Naturalization Service). Alternatively, those who have lived in the Netherlands (or other EU countries) for more than five years as citizens can apply for permanent residence and Dutch passport.

Multiple citizenships

Multiple citizenships mean even more freedom to travel internationally. If you hold a passport of more than one nation, it means you are a citizen of those nations. It gives you the freedom to travel to more countries and enjoy the benefits of your different citizenships.

In some cases, to receive a new passport, you may have to give up your citizenship in your original country. But there are some nations that do not demand relinquishing your original passport, and some allow you to trade one passport for another.

Some countries allow general multiple citizenships, that is the citizenship of any other country is accepted. But some nations allow dual citizenship only with a few selected other countries.

There are some EU countries that allow their citizens to hold multiple passports at once to alleviate certain travel restrictions. Some of these countries are Germany, France, Ireland, and Malta. This makes it easier for you to travel when one of your passports is at a consulate for the visa approval process or if you need to apply for another visa while already in a foreign country.

All EU member states can make their own citizenship laws, so the laws are different in different countries. Countries like France, Ireland, Sweden, and Italy allow multiple citizenships without restrictions while Austria, Germany, Spain, and the Netherlands restrict or regulate multiple citizenships. Certain countries like Poland, on the other hand, do not accept multiple citizenships within their borders, whereas Lithuania allows multiple citizenships in exceptional scenarios.

We help Israeli and American citizens apply for and obtain a European passport. Our elaborate assessments and ensure that all your needs are taken into account when planning for European citizenship. Getting citizenship of EU nations like Austria, Portugal or Spain, is now easy with the best solutions offered by our law office.

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