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Israeli Child Abduction Lawyer

Anat Levi
Anat Levi

This article provides advice from an Israeli child abduction lawyer — both how to choose a lawyer and links to information you need to know if dealing with child abduction.

Israeli child abduction lawyer

Reasons to Hire an Israeli Child Abduction Lawyer

The most common reason people seek the services of a child abduction lawyer is because their children have been removed from the country and are being retained elsewhere without the parent or guardian’s consent.  When thinking of child abduction, some people first think of a stranger kidnapping a child, but what we see most often is that a parent or legal guardian will take their child without the consent of the other parent or legal guardian.  

If you are experiencing this, it is wise to act quickly to ensure that all necessary steps can be taken within the given time for the law to protect your and your children’s rights.  Israel is a signatory to the Hague Convention, and if your child was taken to another country that is also a signatory of the Hague Convention, the process to address this is rather straightforward.  This does not mean that the process is easy, but the regulations are in place to expedite the process as much as possible.  

In the event that the country your children have been taken to is not a signatory of the Hague Convention, there are still legal steps you can take to return your children, and we can help you address either of these cases.

What to Look for in a Lawyer

Israel has one of the highest rates of individuals with legal degrees.  Thus it is often easy to find a lawyer who would be willing to assist you, but it is important to ask yourself a series of questions to help you choose the best one for you.

  1. Does your lawyer have experience in child abduction (and family law, which this case falls under)? In order to deal with child abduction, a lawyer needs to obtain special training and qualification from the Administrator General.
  2. Does your lawyer have offices in a place that is easy for you to access in order to meet with them?
  3. Are you happy with the way the lawyer is communicating with you, giving you the time and explanations you need to help you understand the legal process?
  4. Does the lawyer speak your language?  For some clients, they prefer that their lawyer can speak to them in their mother tongue to ensure clarity around sensitive issues.  In our law offices, for example, we have lawyers who speak English, Hebrew, French, Russian, Ukranian and Romanian for the benefit of our clients.
  5. Does the lawyer have the time necessary to allocate to your case to address issues in a timely manner? 
  6. Are the fees clear, and do you agree to them?

This Series of Articles

This article is one in a longer series on child abduction, which falls under Israel family law, for the benefit of our clients.  In other articles we address the procedure involved after child abduction, Israeli child abduction laws (and how long the process takes), divorce and child abduction, returning a kidnapped child to Israel, and an overview of rights and exceptions in the law, among others. 

Contact Us

Advocate Anat Levi from our law office specializes in Israel family law, and she is an Israeli child abduction lawyer who can assist with all your legal needs in this area.  Please contact us if you would like legal assistance.

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