Consular marriages in Israel

What are consular marriages and in what cases can they be conducted in Israel? Consular marriages are conducted in embassies and consulates of foreign countries. In recent decades the State of Israel has begun to recognize these marriages under certain conditions. In general, this recognition applies to marriages in which both spouses are of no…

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Israeli civil marriage

Ilan and Yael got married in their back yard, in the kibbutz where they lived. They had a ceremony without any religious elements, without the presence of a rabbi or observance of the rules required by the Chief Rabbinate when it comes to registering the marriage of a Jewish couple. After the wedding, the two…

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Proof of Paternity via a relative – a success story

Proof of paternity, generally required when dealing with the legal parentage of the child, raises many legal difficulties. Usually, a tissue test is required in order to prove paternity when there are doubts concerning the father’s identity. The problem arises in cases where one of the parents is deceased or is out of contact. In…

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Registering an Israeli citizen born abroad

As an Israeli citizen parent, how do you register a child born abroad as an Israeli citizen as well? Where to register, how, and what is the difference between registering a baby and registering an older child? In this article we will try to answer these questions and others about registering Israeli citizens born abroad.…

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Proof of paternity without DNA testing

As a rule, DNA paternity testing is required whenever the identity of the father is in doubt. However, there are cases where an Israeli court will accept proof of paternity without DNA testing. In this article, an expert family lawyer explains which cases these may be. Our offices in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv specialize in…

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Israeli Registration of a Marriage Officiated Online–Important Update

This article addresses the registration of an online marriage. You may have seen media reports about marriage registrations in Israel that were officiated online. Such marriages were first officially recognized by the Interior Ministry at the end of 2020 and represent a dramatic development in the field of family law in Israel. This precedent may…

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