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How to Obtain a European Union Passport

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Given the multiple benefits of a European passport, it is no surprise that there are many searches on “how do I get a European Union passport?” A European passport is one of the world’s most coveted passports. With a European passport, you can enter or travel to 153 countries in the EU without a visa and enjoy numerous other benefits.

What is a European passport?

A European Union passport is one that is issued by any one of the European Union’s 27 member states. The passport allows the holder to travel visa-free across all EU countries and to many other countries with which the EU has bilateral agreements. A growing worldwide trend is to obtain a European passport as the second passport and gain dual citizenship.

About 672,300 persons obtained citizenship in one of the member states of the European Union in 2018., Most EU countries allow dual citizenships, including Greece, Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Lithuania and Latvia.

A growing trend

Acquiring a European passport is an aspiration for many Israelis. In 2015, between 400,000 and 500,000 Israeli citizens were estimated to have a European Union passport, a huge increase from 2000. One out of eight Israelis had dual citizenship at the time. This is not surprising as the lineage of many Jewish origin people can be traced to Europe.

Many others are looking for information on how to obtain a European Union passport to pursue their studies in a specific European country. Other reasons for getting a European passport could be gaining access to the shared European market or are related to security and economic situation.

Acquiring a European passport will allow Americans to travel to a country in the EU despite possible entry bans in the future. If a person or their family can obtain a passport from a Schengen zone country, their children can live and work across most countries in Europe.

Other Americans are asking “How do I get a European passport?” because of the appeal of paid parental leave and affordable health care in the EU.

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