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Getting a European passport – A list of the strongest passports in Europe

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

A European passport affords its holders a wide range of enticing possibilities in residency, employment, and studies throughout Europe, as well as an exemption from a visa to the United States and Australia. In this article we present a list of the strongest passports in Europe, which are available to the Israeli public based on genealogical ties.

Millions of Israelis are eligible for European citizenship based on blood ties to a former European citizen. The passport is a safe investment, thanks to the unique benefits it carries. However, as you will see, there are differences in the advantages offered by the various passports, based on the country that each one represents.

Our emigration attorneys’ offices in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv assist clients in obtaining European citizenships such as German, Austrian, Portuguese, French, Romanian, etc. We are committed to taking on only cases with demonstrated high chances for success in the process. In this article we present a detailed list of the strongest passports in Europe and how to go about obtaining them.

Getting a European passport

For decades European passports have been considered to be of the highest quality, and this is not by chance. Thanks to an impressive history which laid the foundations for the modern world, unique cultures, ancient buildings, and green, unspoiled nature, Europe is also the continent most appealing to tourists.

Despite the global changes wrought by the Corona pandemic in the past two years, the European continent continues to be a sought-after destination even today. Countries like Spain, Italy, France and England receive millions of tourists every year. This is in part because of the countries’ welcoming policies regarding foreigners.

In this article we would like to show which countries are the most attractive to the Israeli public, of whom large numbers can acquire the above European citizenships on the basis of roots/ethnicity. Note that obtaining the passports described in this article does not require renouncing your current citizenship, living in the country, passing language tests or travelling there for the naturalization process. Due to the tragic circumstances under which Jews left those countries, many of the countries grant citizenship without posing any difficulties or rigid acceptance conditions.

We present here a number of countries with high international stature due to their valuable passport. This is in addition to the advantages offered by any European passport and the rights that new European citizens can enjoy. At this point we will note that obtaining the passport is the second stage, once you have obtained citizenship in the European country. It is possible to get the passport at the same time that one gets a naturalization certificate.Strongest passports in Europe

List of the strongest passports in Europe

Austrian passport: In fourth place on the list of the strongest passports in the world. Under the new program for the Israeli public that has been rolled out in the past two and a half years, about 150,000 Israelis are eligible. Acquiring this passport means that you are a full citizen of the European Union. One of the outstanding benefits of this passport is entrance to countries that Israelis cannot enter, attractive countries such as Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar, Cuba, and more.

The country enables its citizens to enjoy a Working Holiday Visa card, which allows young people aged 18-30 to work abroad for a year, in such desirable countries as Canada, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, etc. If you are thinking of relocating to Austria, you will enjoy full social benefits.

German passport: Ranked first in Europe and second on the global list, with entrance permits to 190 countries throughout the world. If you choose to live in Germany, as a passport holder you will enjoy improved social subsidies such as a basic living stipend, national insurance if needed, student stipends and other medical services at the price paid by local residents. This of course includes the option for work, residency, and living in all the countries of the European Union.

For many years the country has held a position at the top of the European ladder in everything related to local economic development. Therefore, new entrepreneurs will enjoy tax discounts from local authorities. Bearers of the passport are exempt from obtaining a visa to the United States, Australia, Canada and other countries. Passport bearers are even permitted to work in attractive countries such as Singapore, Australia, Brazil, Chile, South Korea, and more.

French passport: The country takes pride in its low tax system which encourages new investors. This is in addition to significant social stipends that it distributes to its citizens, such as housing assistance to the needy, discounted academic education, and guaranteed financial support for low earners. There are also countries such as Canada which grant higher education subsidies to French citizens.

Passport bearers can move freely within all Schengen Pact countries, which include Central and Western European countries as well a large portion of the countries in the Eastern part of the continent. This is in addition to entrance permits to 187 countries. French citizens also enjoy a streamlined process of obtaining an entrance permit to the United States. One disadvantage concerning spouses of French citizens is that they must pass language examinations which are considered to be fairly difficult.

Portuguese passport: up to now, the passport most acquired by Israelis among those in this list, and among passports in general. This is because 2.5 million Israelis are eligible for it, and the acceptance parameters are considered simpler than those for the other passports. This high number stems from the extensive quantity of people who identify ethnically as Sephardim. To obtain this passport, there is no need to travel to Portugal, speak the language or invest in the country.

Portugal is a full member of the European Union, so you can enjoy all the desired benefits of European citizens. One salient point about this passport is the permit given at airports to the passport bearers. This permit allows them to wait in short lines dedicated to EU citizens, and thus enjoy a privilege that saves them hours of waiting in line and often a lot of irritation as well.

Lithuanian passport: Although less known among Israelis, it is considered a perfect passport for anyone interested in taking advantage of the many rights and benefits it offers. The country joined the list of Schengen countries a few years ago, so if you want to travel through Europe, you can pass between its countries without problems or border delays. This is because of the coordinated border control policy that applies to European citizens on the continent. In addition, there is no need to obtain a visa for the United States.

Bulgarian passport: Bulgaria welcomes new citizens who can enjoy breathtaking beauty and warm people in the big cities. From the moment you become a Bulgarian citizen, you can enjoy free entrance to countries that are banned with an Israeli passport, consular protection, and of course living and working in all the EU countries. When you get a Bulgarian passport, there is no need to renounce your current citizenship, pass language tests or travel to Bulgaria.

Romanian passport: Romania is also a full member of the European Union. Although as of now (December 2021) its citizens are required to get a visa to travel to the US, it is through an easier and more convenient method, ESTA. One of the advantages that most affects young Israelis, if they decide to obtain the citizenship and study in the country, is that you can skip all the bureaucratic delays involved in registering for studies if you are already a citizen.

Another positive aspect for all the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who are eligible for this passport is the exemption from the need for a visa to Europe, a requirement that will apparently soon apply to Israelis. In the past year a proposal was raised among European countries, according to which Israelis would be required to obtain a visa to visit the continent. At the moment, Corona is the reason for the delay in putting this decision into practice, but a Romanian passport will exempt the bearer from this necessity in the future.

In summary

Given that the State of Israel’s raison d’etre is the ingathering of the exiles, meaning that Jews have been granted automatic entrance, most of us are children or descendants of immigrants, and have evidence of our family’s migration in the past – particularly from Europe. This means that most of us today are eligible to apply for the desired European citizenship at an affordable price. Our office warmly recommends taking advantage of this window of opportunity that calls to so many, and invites you to advance in life and even lead a vibrant career on the dream continent.

Contact us – European citizenship for Israelis

If you would like us to perform an initial check, at no cost, to see whether or not you are eligible, contact the law offices for emigration to Europe, in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, at the telephone numbers or email address below.

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