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Obtaining Bulgarian citizenship

Oded Germanov
Oded Germanov

Want to obtain Bulgarian citizenship? This is the place to start.

Due to the change in circumstances in the last decades, especially the demographic crisis and its negative impact on; Bulgarian economy; national growth; security; and the strength of the Bulgarian society as a whole; the Bulgarian government and all other affiliated Bulgarian institutes are easing restrictions on obtaining Bulgarian citizenship by foreigners.

Acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship has become more accessible in recent years, especially for applicants with Bulgarian origins. Highly-qualified and wealthy individuals are also welcomed to obtain Bulgarian citizenship.

There are specific grounds on which an applicant can apply to obtain Bulgarian citizenship. We will disclose them all later in this article; however, it is essential to state that obtaining Bulgarian citizenship is a significant step in an applicant’s life and should be taken in the most professional matter with the best legal assistance possible.

Our legal office will accompany the applicant through all procedures required to obtain Bulgarian citizenship.

Bulgarian citizenship benefits

Obtaining Bulgarian citizenshipBulgaria is considered by many the most beautiful place in the Balkans, home to delicious food, and known for its variety of quality fresh milk products and agricultural products.

Bulgaria is a vital link between Europe and Asia, with international airports and seaports and a well-connected railway road system.

Bulgaria is one of Europe’s fastest-growing economies, which is extremely stable, and one of Europe’s best internet infrastructures, making it a magnet for high-tech companies.

Low unemployment rates and enthusiastic, well trained, and skilled labor force adds to the overall notion that Bulgaria is a place with a promising future.

Bulgarian citizenship will also let you enjoy the following:

  • Bulgarian citizenship is an EU citizenship, allowing its holder to work, study and live everywhere in the European Union.
  • Access to the Bulgarian and European advanced health-care and welfare systems.
  • Visa-free access and on-arrival-access to almost 170 (October 2020) countries.
  • Lowest tax rates in Europe.
  • Purchasing agricultural land.
  • Participating in the Bulgarian political sphere by voting and the right to get elected to some public positions.

There are several grounds for the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship.

  Bulgarian citizenship by descent.

The most common and straight forward is through Jus sanguinis, by descent. If at least one of your parents is a Bulgarian citizen, you can apply for Bulgarian citizenship by descent. You will have to apply for a Bulgarian origin certificate from the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. After completing this stage, the next step is the citizenship application with the Ministry of Justice.

Aforeign national will have to apply for Bulgarian citizenship at the Bulgarian embassy of his current country of origin Although the procedure can be easily explained, the process is not simple, and will require legal understanding and consulting.

Our law firm, which is experienced on the subject and is familiar with all of the procedures and requirements needed, will be happy to assist you with this essential and significant procedure.

Bulgarian citizenship by marriage:

An applicant for Bulgarian citizenship by marriage can apply when he meets the following criteria:

1. Marry and remain legally married to a Bulgarian citizen for at least 3 years.

2. Receive a permanent residency permission from the Bulgarian authorities and reside in Bulgaria for at least 3 years before applying for naturalization.

Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization

A person who has resided in Bulgaria legally for a time defined by law (mainly between 3-5 years, depending on the grounds on which the person is applying) can apply for Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization.  Obtaining citizenship by naturalization is more complicated and challenging than to obtain Bulgarian citizenship by descent.

While a person of Bulgarian descent can obtain Bulgarian citizenship relatively quickly, within 1.5-2 years, and sometimes without visiting Bulgaria at all, a person who would like to receive Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization will have to follow a much more rigorous process. Applicants for Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization must prove that they enough funds, income, and an occupation that enables them to support themself in Bulgaria. Furthermore, they have to obtain a Bulgarian language proficiency certificate from the ministry of education to prove their fluency in Bulgarian.

Using a well-established law firm’s services, especially when the world experiences significant changes and regulations shift often, is the wise and responsible choice

Our law office is well experienced and up to date with the minuate of Citizenship laws and changes requirements for Bulgarian citizenship, as well as other legislative issues regarding Bulgaria and immigration. Contact us for help in emigration to Bulgaria and obtaining a Bulgarian Passport.

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