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German Citizenship for German Jewish Descendants

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

Background Information

German Jews were some of the most numerous and prosperous in all of Europe in the 20th century. Due to discriminatory laws and policies put in place with the rise of the Nazi party, many Jews fled Germany or Europe. A number of legal reforms over the years have sought to make it easier for descendants of German Jews to obtain German citizenship. Recent changes have made it even easier. 

In May 2020, Germany issued new regulations regarding the German Nationality Law, allowing descendants of Nazi victims to obtain naturalization easier. This law has been changed over the years to allow victims of the Nazi party and its policies, including those who fled Germany during this period and their descendants, to obtain German citizenship. The easing of regulations will now allow millions more people to be eligible for German citizenship.

German Citizenship for German Jewish Descendants

Eligibility — German Citizenship for German Jewish Descendants

Those who fled Germany from January 1933 through May 8, 1945, and their descendants, are eligible for citizenship. This allows children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Nazi victims to be eligible for citizenship, as German law allows citizenship to pass from parent to child. 

Those who are eligible for this citizenship do not have to give up other citizenships. 

Aside from those who were Nazi victims, the new German law also makes it easier for other descendants of Germans to obtain citizenship. Previously, German citizenship was passed through the father, but it now also passes through the mother. We discuss the specifics of this in the section “Further changes in German law” in our article here.

Legal Assistance

Our law office specializes in immigration law and has significant experience helping the descendants of German Jews obtain German citizenship. This can include doing genealogical research and finding documents of Jewish families who fled Germany or Europe, and our office has a deep understanding of German law to help move this process along.

Contact Us

If you seek German citizenship for German Jewish descendants, please contact us. Advocate Michael Decker would be happy to help you with your immigration case.

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