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Assessing Drunk Drivers in Israel

Moti Orange
Moti Orange

This article will address assessing drunk drivers in Israel, namely, how the police decide you are drunk, what tests they use, and refusal to be tested. If you are pulled over for drunk driving in Israel, we advise you to contact a lawyer who specializes in this area as soon as possible to assist you with the process. 

The Ministry of Transport and Road Safety is responsible for all issues related to driving and driving violations.  

Assessing Drunk Drivers in Israel

How Police Go About Assessing Drunk Drivers in Israel

Police use various tests to assess whether one is drunk driving, and drivers can be pulled over and assessed for “reasonable suspicion” of drunk driving, which can include driving too quickly or slowly or swerving between lanes, among others. 

There are a few main tests that police can use to determine whether one is drunk while driving. This includes a performance test, a breathalyzer test, a blood test, and a urine test.  

Breathalyzers are the most frequently used tests, and they assess the amount of alcohol in one’s blood. Performance tests are often used if a driver fails a breathalyzer test, and this is a test in which police assess the cognitive operations of an individual, asking people to perform simple physical tests. These physical tests often included: standing with one’s eyes closed for 30 seconds to assess the driver’s stability and balance; walking in a straight line; and touching one’s nose with one’s right- and left-hand fingers with one’s head tilted back.

Blood and urine tests are much more accurate than breathalyzer tests, and they can also provide evidence of drugs in one’s system, however, these tests are rarely used because they require more time. Often if a driver was in a car accident and police suspect they are under the influence of drugs, they will require a driver to undergo one of these tests.  

What Is Considered Drunk Driving in Israel

Together, the Minister of Transportation and the Minister of Health determine the permitted level of alcohol concentration in someone’s body, and any number exceeding this results in a violation for drunk driving. The test assesses the alcohol concentration during the three hours prior to taking the test.  

New or young (under the age of 24) drivers are considered drunk if their alcohol concentration level exceeds 50 micrograms per liter by breathalyzer test or 10 milligrams per 100 milliliters by a blood test.  

Refusal to be Tested for Drunk Driving in Israel

While police cannot force you to take a drunk driving test, failing to do so can result in a transport offense, which can result in imprisonment for one year or a fine of 10,000 NIS along with a driver’s license revocation. The law presumes drunkenness, and we strongly advise full compliance with police if you are asked to take a blood test.

Other Articles of Interest

We provide many articles that may be of interest on our website. These include what to do if caught drunk driving in Israel, the penalty for drunk driving in Israel, hit and run in Israel, causing a car accident in Israel, how to choose an Israeli traffic lawyer, and more. 

Contact Us

At our law firm, we specialize in traffic law among other legal specializations. If you seek assistance with drunk driving in Israel, please contact Advocate Moti Orange.

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