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Visas to Israel and the Israeli Ministry of Interior

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

Israeli flag - visa to israel

Our law offices specialize in immigration to Israel and help clients all over the country (Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem, North and South) to obtain a visa to Israel at the Ministry of Interior’s offices. This article details the procedure for obtaining a visa to Israel at the Ministry of Interior for Israelis and citizens of other countries.

The Israeli Ministry of Interior (Misrad HaPanim

Visa to Israel

The Ministry of Interior is the administrative body authorized to issue visas to Israel. The Israeli Interior Ministry is one of the government offices that has a wide range of responsibilities. Israeli citizens contact the Interior Ministry’s offices when important life events happen, such as birth, marriage, death, etc. These events are documented in the register regarding acts of civil status.

The Department of Population and Immigration is also under the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior. The Israeli Population and Immigration Office is responsible for Israeli border control, entrance and departure of Israeli citizens and foreigners from the country, and issuance of visas to Israel for the citizens of various countries around the world who come to Israel with the aim of tourism, work, study, business, and so on.

The Office of Population and Immigration

Regional Offices of Population and Immigration are located in the branch’s Ministry of Interior offices across the country. Clerks of the regional branches are responsible for issuing visas to Israel for foreign citizens or for Israelis who request visas for their spouses, employees, or friends who are not citizens of Israel. Foreign citizens who come to the Interior Ministry offices in order to receive a visa to enter Israel will receive a visa to Israel in the form of a stamp in their passport.

The Legal Basis to Receive a Visa to Enter Israel  

Decisions for Israeli visa issuance at the Office of Population and Immigration are carried out according to the national immigration laws and according to the regulations and procedures of Israel’s Interior Ministry. The law for entry into Israel is the basis for granting visas to Israel.  However, there are other laws that are related to specific areas of immigration to Israel. For example, the Law of Return regarding immigration to Israel of Jews or of Jewish descendants and spouses of Jews. Also, there is the Citizenship Law, which establishes the conditions and requirements for obtaining Israeli citizenship.

Conditions and Requirements to Obtain a Visa to Israel

Procedures of the Ministry of Interior contain the conditions and documents required to obtain a visa to Israel. Regulations also include the legal basis for each visa to Israel. Procedures of the Authority for Population and Immigration contain the forms the applicant must fill out. These procedures are published on the website of the Israeli Ministry of Interior.

Immigration Officials at the Ministry of Interior

Officials from the Department of Population and Immigration at the Israeli Ministry of Interior are subject to the immigration to Israel laws of the country, and they make their decisions according with the procedures of the Interior Ministry. Often, however, the procedures allows these public servants the freedom to decide whether to grant an Israeli visa or not. On the other hand, according to Israeli law, decisions of the Authority’s officials are under the rules of Israeli administrative law. This means that the decisions of public officials for granting or denying a visa to Israel must be based on correct facts that are reasonable, without bias and more.

How to Appeal a Rejected Visa Request 

Appeals Tribunal - visas to Israel

When a request for a visa to enter Israel is rejected, an applicant can appeal the decision of these officials from the Immigration Authority. It is recommended to appeal in cases where the decision is incorrect, unjustified or unreasonable. Generally, it is possible to submit one appeal in each case.

Continuation of legal action includes an appeal to the head office of the Immigration Authority in Jerusalem or continuation of legal procedures through the relevant Israeli court of law.

Contact Us

Many of those who seek to receive services at the Israeli Ministry of Interior for obtaining Israeli visas are often faced with difficulties. Problems with receiving visas to Israel arise because of lack of knowledge about procedures in the Ministry of Interior or improper conduct of officials in the Interior Ministry’s offices.

Professional legal assistance helps an applicant obtain the required visa to Israel at the Interior Ministry. Moreover, legal advice will help an applicant know whether their case is conducted in accordance with the laws, regulations and procedures of the Israeli Immigration Office.

We have lawyers for immigration to Israel, and we have experience in dealing with the Office of Population and Immigration in Israel. We will be glad to assist you!

For legal advice on obtaining an Israeli visa at the Ministry of Interior, please contact us.

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