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Register a UAE Company in Israel

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

This article will address how to register a UAE company in Israel.  

3 Ways to Register a United Arab Emirates Company in Israel

There are three options for registering a UAE company in Israel, and we will provide some basic information on the topic.  Our law office provides legal services for many international clients seeking to set up a foreign company in Israel.  The best option for your company depends on your business plans and financial goals.

You can also watch a video on the topic here:

1. Establish a UAE Company Branch Office in Israel

Large companies often seek to establish a branch office in Israel.  This will allow it to be a registered legal entity in the country.  However, it is only considered an extension of the foreign company; the foreign (parent) company bears responsibility for commitments made by the branch office.  As the branch office is not considered to be “resident” in Israel, it is ineligible for various tax benefits that other Israeli companies may enjoy.  Due to this, smaller and mid-size companies often forego this in preference of other company registration options.  Profits from this branch office are subject to Israeli taxes.  

For more on this company registration process, see our article on the topic.  Much of this process will fall under the auspices of the Israeli Company Registrar

2. Register a Subsidiary of the UAE Company in Israel

If the UAE company wishes to set up a limited private company, then going the subsidiary, or daughter company, route is the best option.  Israeli law permits all shareholders in a subsidiary to be foreign citizens, allowing the UAE company to hold one hundred percent of the shares.  This is often the best option for small to mid-sized companies wishing to engage in business operations in Israel.  

Register a UAE Company in IsraelIn contrast to the UAE company branch office, discussed in option 1, a subsidiary is seen as a separate legal entity from the parent branch, meaning that the subsidiary’s decisions do not incur responsibility on the part of the parent company.  The subsidiary is also entitled to tax benefits available to local Israeli companies.  Similar to option 1, registration will fall under the auspices of the Israeli Company Registrar.

3. Start a UAE Company Representative Office in Israel

If a UAE company wishes to come and investigate the Israeli market or seek to manage foreign company affairs without engaging in business activities yielding a profit in Israel, then establishing a representative office can be a good option.  This representative office is not a legal entity, thus it does not need to be registered with the Israeli Company Registrar.  As the representative office has a smaller role, it cannot make contracts or participate in trade activities in Israel; it may only conduct market research for a UAE company.  Once this market research is complete, the office will need to determine if it will establish a branch office or subsidiary, as discussed in options 1 and 2. 

Other Articles of Interest

We have written many articles that may be of interest to UAE companies.  This includes obtaining a UAE investor visa, setting up a UAE oil and gas company in Israel, obtaining a UAE tourist visa, bringing foreign expert workers to Israel, and setting up an international aid agency to work in the Palestinian territories, among others.

Contact Us

If you would like to register a UAE company in Israel, please contact us. Our law offices specialize in corporate law, among other fields, including visas and immigration.  Advocate Michael Decker would be happy to assist you with all your company registration needs.

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