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Employment Visa in Romania – Questions and Answers

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

Romania, like many European countries, has recently become an attractive destination for Israelis who want to increase their economic income and additionally, their quality of life. In order to obtain an employment visa in Romania, Israeli citizens are required to follow certain bureaucratic procedures. The following article will provide answers on this topic and will detail the various procedures required, as well as elaborate on employment visas, work permits, long-stay residence permits in Romania, and the like.

Our law office specializes in all matters relating to obtaining a Romanian visa / citizenship. We will be able to assist you in all legal matters as well as provide you with ongoing support for obtaining the necessary documents. In addition, our firm is in touch with Romanian lawyers who can expedite the process for you.

What is an Employment Visa in Romania?

An employment visa is a long-stay residence visa which allows you to travel to Romania and work there as a full-time employee, as a support staff member (seconded staff), or to occupy other job positions.

Is there anything I need to do before I obtain a Romanian Work Visa?

Employment Visa in Romania Yes, you will first be required to find an employer in Romania. After that, you will need to check what type of employment contract you are going to sign with the employer. At the next stage, the employer is required to go to the immigration office and undergo a prior approval procedure regarding the foreign worker.

If the employer has succeeded in the aforesaid procedure, the Ministry of Immigration will issue a special type of permit for the purpose of accepting you as an employee. (aviz de muncă).

Who can Obtain an Employment Visa?

Companies can employ any foreigner whose studies have been officially recognized by the Romanian authorities, and provided the candidate is able to fill an existing position vacancy. The Romanian company is obligated to provide proof that it is unable to find any suitable Romanian citizen for the intended position.

How Do I Apply for an Employment Visa?

You can apply for an employment visa at the Romanian Embassy or Consulate located in Israel.

The visa application must include a number of documents, the most important of which is the permit (aviz de munca ) obtained by the company that is interested in hiring your services.

How Long Can I stay in Romania with an Employment Visa?

An employment visa is a D/AM type visa, which means that you can stay in Romania for an extended period of time – up to 90 days after entering the country. In addition, an application for a Romanian residency permit must be submitted at least 30 days before the Romanian work visa expires. In other words, the application must be submitted within the first 60 days of the legal stay.

If you stay beyond the legal period allowed, you may be fined. If you have stayed far past the legal period allowed, you may be expelled from the country or in some cases your ability to make future trips to Romania will be nullified.

Is a Visa Different from a Residence Permit?

Yes, a visa gives you the right to enter and stay in Romania for a limited period of time; currently for a maximum term of three months. However, if you are interested in living in Romania for a longer period of time, such as working in the same place for a year, you will need a residence permit.

Therefore, the first stage is to apply for a visa in your national country (whether it is Israel or otherwise). If you interested in actually living in Romania, the second obligatory step is to apply for a residence permit in Romania at the Ministry of Immigration, after your arrival in the country.

In all cases, our recommendation is to contact an attorney that specializes in immigration, to ensure that your visa application is handled professionally and without any issues.

For the full article on Romanian citizenship for Israeli’s with Romanian heritage click here.

Contact Us – For further Questions and Answers on Employment Visa in Romania

Our firm specializes in obtaining Romanian citizenships and passports. For any questions and / or professional advice on issues related to the Romanian immigration law, you are welcome to contact us via the phone number listed below or by e-mail. Thank you.

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