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International Aid Organization – Israeli B/1 Visa

Joshua Pex
Joshua Pex

International aid organizations – Israeli B/1 visa

In order to register a foreign NGO as an International Aid Agency in Israel  providing assistance to the Palestinian Territories,  the organization must be recognized by the Ministry of Social Affairs – Department of Foreign Relations. The NGO will need to submit a request at the registration office in Jerusalem. This recognition by the Israeli government office allows the International Aid Agency (IAA) to receive Israeli B/1 visas (B/1 work visas for a maximum of five years, which need to be renewed each year) for the employees of the IAA who are necessary for the function of the NGO in order to conduct social projects and humanitarian activities in the West Bank and Gaza (Palestinian Territories).

Please find the list of documents required for the registration of the NGO as an International Aid Agency in Israel in order to receive approval for an Israeli B/1 visa :

  1. A letter of request from the foreign NGO’s head office.
  2. Description of the international activities of the organization, including annual report and annual budget.
  3. Description of proposed program of activities in the Palestinian Territories together with proposed budget and sources of funding.
  4. Document of registration with the Palestinian Authority authorizing activities by the organization in the Palestinian Territories (required by the regulations since August 2009).
  5. Copies of certificate of registration as an NGO in the country of origin, including articles of incorporation and bylaws and list of directors of the NGO. (Please note that the certificate of registration as an NGO must be authenticated by an Apostille in the country of origin in order for it to be valid in Israel).
  6. Power of Attorney appointing the representative of the NGO in Israel. This representative will need to go for an interview at the office of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Jerusalem to submit and present the IAA registration request.
  7. List of employees of the organization in Israel involved in local administration and implementation of the NGO’s program.
  8. Work visa request for the IAA’s local workers, including CV for each worker, job description, copy of passport and letter of employment request for each B/1 visa worker.
  9. Rental contract of the organization’s office in Israel. The regulations require that the IAA maintain an office in Israel.
  10. Contact details of NGO in Israel and country of origin: website, fax, email, phone numbers, etc.

Important note: In order to qualify for a B/1 work visa for an International Aid Agency organization worker, under Israeli law the international aid worker must work in Israel at least seven days per month / fifteen hours per week and maintain a residence in Israel as well.

Please contact us for further information. We will be glad to answer any questions regarding an International Aid Agency’s registration process and acquiring B/1 visas in Israel.

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