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Who Gets Arnona Discounts

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

This article addresses who gets arnona discounts in their arnona payments.  Arnona refers to property or municipal tax in Israel.

Who Gets Arnona Discounts in Israel

Who Gets Arnona DiscountsThere are a number of categories which entitle people to discounts in arnona.  The local authority or municipality is entitled to change these rules from year to year.  These categories or groups are sometimes entitled to discounts for a property up to a certain number of square meters or regardless of size.  Some categories or groups of people who are entitled to discounts are senior citizens, disabled persons, new immigrants, single parents with a child under 18 years of age, soldiers in their mandatory military service, volunteers in national service, needy Holocaust survivors, and more.  There are also discounts for people according to financial need who earn less than a certain amount of money. These discounts can vary from year to year, but you can see the exact rates in Hebrew that are in effect as of early 2018: arnona discounts for financial need and arnona discounts for other groups.

There are also discounts that are sometimes granted for various types of property.  For example, we have written articles on arnona discounts for an amuta and arnona discounts for a house of prayer (church or synagogue).  There are also discounts for newly-built buildings, empty buildings, buildings used for new industries, educational institutions, religious institutions, charitable institutions, agricultural land that is not in use because of shmita, and more.  These discounts are available for varying periods of time and at varying discounted rates.  

This Series of Articles

Our law firm specializes in several legal fields, including real estate and property law in Israel. This includes areas dealing with arnona payments. Arnona and property tax issues are administered by the Israeli Ministry of Interior (Misrad HaPanim) and the local government (or municipality). For the convenience of our local and international private and corporate clients, we have put together a short series of arnona articles.

Contact Us

For more information on who gets arnona discounts or anything else related to arnona or property law in Israel, please contact us.  We have offices located in Jerusalem and close to Tel Aviv for your convenience.

Advocate Michael Decker focuses on arnona and other issues related to property and administrative law, and he would be happy to speak with you.

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