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Israelis UAE License

Michael Decker
Michael Decker

This article addresses obtaining an Israeli UAE license allowing Israelis to work in the UAE. Many Israelis are taking advantage of new business opportunities available to them, and normalization is proceeding at a quick pace.

Zones for Licensing and Operation

There are three categories of operational zones in the UAE, and each category has many areas of zoning within it. There is the mainland UAE, which is also called an onshore company. There is also free zone UAE, which has more than 40 different types of free zones that have special tax benefits for those that operate within them. Finally, there is offshore UAE, which refers to companies that operate in a certain jurisdiction with a parent company in another location. For more on the zones, see our article “About UAE Freezones for Israelis.” 

Israelis UAE License – 4 Types of Licenses

There are four types of license categories that one may apply for.  

A professional license allows a company to provide services in the UAE. This can include providing a specific business service, operating a restaurant or coffee shop, among others.  

A commercial license allows a company to provide goods in the UAE. This can include items for general trading, among others.  

An industrial license allows a company to engage in manufacturing or factories; for example, working in solar panel manufacturing.  

Finally, a tourism license allows a company to engage in anything related to travel and leisure. This can include a hotel, a resort, and providing services for Israelis coming to the UAE or for Emiratis who seek to come to Israel.  

Steps for Obtaining a UAE License

In order to obtain a UAE license, you need to go through the following steps. We are actively assisting other clients with this process, and we would be happy to help you as well.  

  1. You need to have a trade name and certificate.
  2. You must get initial approval from the Dubai economy.
  3. You must get an MOA, memorandum of association.
  4. You must have an office in the UAE.
  5. You must have a sponsor related to your industry.
  6. You must submit the paperwork.
  7. Only after this, your paperwork will be assessed, and if approved, you will obtain a license.
  8. Once you have a license, you can obtain an establishment card.

Once the 8th step is completed, you are free to start running your business!  

More Articles of Interest

We provide many more articles that you may find of interest on our site.  

If you are a UAE citizen, we have articles on registering a UAE business in Israel, obtaining a UAE investor visa, UAE expert workers in Israel, and more.  

If you are an Israeli citizen, we provide information in Hebrew on opening an Israeli startup in Dubai, obtaining a UAE license for energy, registering a tourist or leisure company in the UAE, and more. In English, we have articles on the types of companies an Israelis can open in the UAE, how to obtain an investor visa to the UAE, UAE business visas for Israelis, and more.  

Contact Us – Israelis UAE License

If you seek legal assistance obtaining a license or conducting business in the UAE, please contact us. Advocate Irena Rosenberg is working closely with legal partners in the UAE to help provide services for both UAE citizens seeking to work and visit Israel and for Israeli citizens seeking to work and visit the UAE. 

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