Compensation for victims of vehicle-ramming attacks

Israel’s complex national security can sometime force its residents to unexpectedly deal with various insurance entities in order to be compensated after suffering injury in a terrorist attack. To receive compensation as victims of vehicle-ramming attacks, those injured must obtain confirmation that this was indeed a terrorist attack, and submit a medical opinion about the…

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Negligence in Tort law

What is the definition of negligence in tort law within Israel? This legal concept might be unclear or confusing as to what cases are included under it. Those not proficient in the legal language or unable to read Hebrew might confuse cases of negligence with other tort liability. Our law firm is here to explain…

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Medical Care After a Road Accident

It’s important to seek medical care as soon as possible following a road accident – not just to assess the severity of the damage and treat any injury or harm caused to the victims of the accident but also to ensure the documentation of evidence indicating the link between the accident and the damage caused.…

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What is a Road Accident? (Legal Information)

What is a Road Accident? The legal definition of the term “road \ vehicle \ car accident” is broader than the standard definition, of an injury caused following use of a motor vehicle (such as a car, motorcycle, truck, tractor, etc.). It might apply in cases where the vehicle was standing still, cases where an…

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Litigation in Israel Made Simple

Litigation in Israel is an intricate process that requires trusted legal representation to navigate. At , our experienced attorneys in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are well-versed in Israeli civil law and have expertise in handling civil lawsuits and mediation. The Israeli Legal System The Israeli civil law system is a unique blend of Ottoman, British,…

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Israeli Litigation Lawyer: Navigating Civil Law

If you are facing a legal dispute in Israel, it is vital to consult a skilled Israeli litigation lawyer to help you master the complexities of the local legal system. Whether you are a citizen of Israel or an expatriate dealing with a legal disagreement in Israel, the Israeli judicial processes can be challenging to…

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