Amendment to the Austrian Citizenship Law

What is the amendment to the Austrian citizenship law, based on which many Israelis may be entitled to citizenship? The Austrian Citizenship Law (StbG) was amended in 2019, greatly expanding the list of descendants of Holocaust survivors and victims of Nazi persecution who are entitled to Austrian citizenship and an Austrian passport. The law even…

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What’s the Difference Between Austrian and German Passport?

What exact is the difference between an Austrian passport and a German passport? Although both Austrian and German passports are considered among the strongest in the world, granting their holders the same benefits of European Union citizenship, there are several distinctions between them. These differences pertain to the eligibility for obtaining a passport, the duration…

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Austrian passports for family members

Are family members also eligible to receive an Austrian passport? Following recent reforms, it has become easier to obtain Austrian citizenship and a passport for anyone whose ancestors fled the Nazis in Austria beginning from 1933. The right to an Austrian passport can be extended to children and even grandchildren. The situation is more complicated…

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Attorney for an Austrian passport under the new law

Following a revolution in the Austrian fundamental law, over 150,000 Israelis now have another way to obtain a European passport. Austria is a full member of the European Union and, among other things, is one of the most developed countries in the world. Accordingly, its citizens can enter a large number of countries to which…

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Austrian Passport

You and your children can benefit greatly by obtaining an Austrian passport for descendants of Holocaust survivors under the new legislation. This passport is considered one of the strongest in the world thanks to Austria’s developed economy and broad international political influence. At our offices of attorneys for emigration to Austria in Jerusalem and Tel…

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Attorney for Austrian Citizenship

The Austrian parliament has been working for the past three years to simplify the criteria for obtaining Austrian citizenship for victims of Nazi persecution and their descendants. The new laws already passed, as well as those that are being passed every few months, create an opening for hundreds of thousands of Jews who resided in…

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What to Know About Austrian Citizenship by Descent Jewish

Austria had a significant Jewish population before the Anschluss that resulted in Nazi rule over the area. Of the roughly 200,000 Jewish Austrians, nearly 65,000 lost their lives in the Holocaust. The rest of the Jewish population that was lucky enough to be alive mostly fled the country. But in doing so, they had to…

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