Secured Transactions in New York

How does Article 9 of the U.C.C. apply to secured transactions? The subject of secured transactions is governed by Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. As a rule, secured transactions constitute credit transactions, in a scheme in which one party, known as the debtor, will buy something from another, called the creditor or secured…

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Powers of a Corporation in New York

What is and what is not legal for a company to do in New York state? Once a company has been duly incorporated, the scope of its actions is limited both by state laws and its own bylaws. In this article, a corporate law attorney describes the powers of a corporation in New York. Which…

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Corporation shareholders in New York

What are shareholders’ rights and powers when it comes to managing a corporation? While corporation shareholders in New York own the corporation as a collective, they lack nearly any direct managerial power of its day to day corporate affairs. Management of the corporation falls to the board of directors. This said, there are certain indirect…

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New York Class Action Suits

What is a class action suit? A judgement given in a class action suit is binding on all members of the class, irrespective of whether they are specifically named as parties to the suit. One or more members of the class may sue or be sued on behalf of all. Of course, due process must…

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Formation of a Partnership

What is a partnership? The Uniform Partnership Act defines a partnership as an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-owners of a business for profit, including a limited liability partnership. Partnership law is predicated on the laws governing contracts and agency. Is a joint venture a partnership? Although courts sometimes tend…

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Formation of a Corporation in New York State

What are the rules governing the formation of a corporation in New York State? In this article, a New York corporate law attorney will explain what you’ll need to do to register a business or limited liability company in the state of New York. Who can form a corporation? The New York Business Corporation Law…

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Corporate and Business Entities in New York

Interested in starting a business company in NYC or the state of New York? In this article, a New York attorney will explains the different types of Business Entities in New York, as well as which entity is congruent with your needs. Our corporate law attorneys are at your service regarding any company law issues.…

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Taxation of real estate investments abroad

How does property taxation abroad work? The State of Israel taxes Israelis who own real estate abroad for investment. The amount of tax varies depending on how the investment is done (by independent Israelis or companies), the form of investment and other aspects. Proper planning, adapted to taxation law, can significantly reduce the tax burden.…

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