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Hit and Run Legal Help in Israel

Moti Orange
Moti Orange

This article — Hit and Run Legal Help in Israel — tells you what you need to do if you are in a hit and run in Israel. All issues related to Israeli transportation law fall under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety.

I’m in a Hit and Run – What Do I Do?

First, call an ambulance (call 101 on your phone), or seek medical assistance if you need it.  

Hit and Run Legal Help in Israel

Second, make sure you document what happened, using footage from security cameras, pedestrian cameras, or other car cameras in the area.  

Third, write down everything you can about the vehicle that hit you: license number, color, type of car, or anything else that you can recall.

Fourth, list witnesses to the incident, asking for their names and phone numbers.

Fifth, go to a police station in person and file a complaint as soon as possible.

Israeli Law on Hit and Runs

You can only file a claim against someone in Israel if 1) they do not escape, 2) you can find them, or 3) the person who hit you has bituach chova (obligatory insurance). However, in the case of a hit and run, there is a special fund called Karnit, which acts as a replacement for the insurance company. The Karnit fund will only pay you compensation if they establish that you were, indeed, in a hit and run. They want to make sure that you do not know the person or that you are trying to protect someone by not revealing who they are.  

Legal Representation for Hit and Runs

We recommend that you get a lawyer to assist you with a hit and run as soon as possible. They can help move your claim along, also preparing you for any meetings you might have with a Karnit investigator. If you need help choosing a lawyer, we lay out some important things to consider here

Other Articles of Interest

We provide many articles related to traffic accidents and violations on our website. This includes getting in a car accident in Israel, compensation for an accident in Israel, driving without a license, drunk driving, and more.  

Contact Us

Our law firm specializes in transport law, among other legal issues. If you seek hit and run legal help in Israel, please contact Advocate Moti Orange, and he would be happy to help you.

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