Partner separation – BMBY in a partnership contract

The conflict between business partners happens often and sometimes results in the closing of joint businesses. This raises many legal problems and questions regarding the division of assets the business shares. Is it possible to simplify the complex process of business partner separation? In this article, an attorney specializing in Israeli corporate law will explain…

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Foreign legal opinion in Israel

What is an opinion regarding foreign law and in what instances is it required? A foreign legal opinion is submitted during legal proceedings for the purpose of proving the legal situation in another country, in order to decide an issue over which there is a dispute between the parties involved. An opinion on foreign law…

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Delay in apartment handover from contractor

The Sales Law (Apartments) is a law designed to protect new apartment buyers from apartment sellers on several levels, and among other things it entitles apartment buyers to financial compensation in cases of a late handover of an apartment from a contractor. Compensation is given for a delay of more than a month in handing…

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Israeli Police certificate for foreign workers

Can foreign workers ask for an Israeli police clearance certificate? The law in Israel allows any person, whether or not he or she is a resident of Israel, to request information from the records of the Israeli police detailing whether there is any criminal information about them. If the applicant for the certificate does not…

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Partnership Agreement in Israel

This article explains a partnership agreement in Israel, including what it is and what you need to know about it. Many of our international clients, in particular, wish to better understand the nature of Israeli law. Background on partnerships In Israel, partnerships are considered an independent legal entity. As such, they must be documented through…

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What documents are required when applying for Austrian citizenship for Nazi persecution victims and their descendants?

When applying for Austrian citizenship for Nazi persecution victims and their descendants, applicants must prove that they are eligible to receive said citizenship. To this end, required documents include evidence proving the persecution victim’s center of life in Austria, as well as personal documents of the applicants and their family members. In 2019, an amendment…

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