Amutot and non-profit organizations

Our articles on the subject

The Amutot (nonprofit organizations) department of the Decker, Pex, Levi law firms helps establish, properly register according to Israeli law, and manage the required reports and activities for various types of nonprofits, associations, public benefit companies and other organizations such as cooperative societies and endowments.

Registration of Amutot and establishment of managing bodies

Our office accompanies associations from cradle to grave. We assist in establishing an Amujta, including choosing the association’s name, formulating the association’s goals, and helping write specific bylaws for the association’s activities (or make the decision to use the standard bylaws). Our attorneys assist in the process of registering the association by obtaining a certificate of incorporation from the association registrar, enlisting new members in accordance with the bylaws, and establishing the association’s institutions: the association committee, the audit committee and directing the first Amuta general meeting.

Opening bank accounts for Amutot and non-profit organizations

Opening a bank account in Israel for nonprofit organizations and Amutot has become a difficult task, especially when it comes to a foreign company or when key positions are occupied by foreign nationals, especially US citizens. Banks in Israel are concerned with the volume required reporting and the possibility that the bank accounts of non-profit institutions may be used for improper purposes. At present, it is often quite difficult to open a bank account for a nonprofit. Our attorneys can help select the bank and open an account as required by the transparency and reporting regulations.

Amuta management and report submission

Our office accompanies associations in their daily workflow, including labor law issues if the association employs employees. Our services include legal support by attorneys from our firm with the Registrar of Associations, filing of annual reports, payment of the annual fee, and close assistance in the process of obtaining proper management approval by the Registrar. We also provide legal support during in-depth audit procedures that the association undergoes and legal advice for nonprofits on matters of conflicts of interest.

Legal support of associations in audit proceedings with the Ministry of Justice

A non-profit institution such as an Amuta or public benefit company may be subject to scrutiny by the Registrar of Associations in the Ministry of Justice, if there are concerns of irregularities. In-depth audit procedures can, in extreme cases, lead to the dissolution of the organization, if it does not act to amend its operations. The attorneys at our firm assist in representing nonprofits which are in the process of in-depth auditing.

Exemption or rebate for Arnona taxes

Assistance in obtaining a rebate or exemption from property taxes for property owned by non-profit institutions, including Amutot, synagogues or other prayer houses eligible for property tax exemption.

Closing, dissolving, or deleting an association

Dismantling a nonprofit or public benefit company after the activity ends, whether voluntarily or as a result of a court order.

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